Home site of the national ballet of Guinea Les Ballets Africains provides a brief history of the national ballet and Guinea, although some pages haven’t been updated in a few years. Particularly interesting is the explanation of how all performers represent accurately their respective regions of Guinea, therefore there are difficulties of dialect and culture differences, which they try to respect and work with. Also includes a page of descriptions and pictures of their primary instruments. See also a contemporary Les Ballets Africans youtube video as well as a “1968 Rare Video”—one can easily distinguish the presence of the kora as well as multiple jembes in this performance. Other Groups of Guinea:Le Ballet National Djoliba
(also a national ensemble) Also Le Ballet National du Senegal–a nice, informative review/history of this Senegalese ensemble formed in 1960 by then-president Léopold Senghor. This youtube video provides insight into the older Senegalese ballet, click here for an more contemporary rendition. In each of these videos one can see the clear choreography that was added to the performance for staging in order to engage the inactive audience members.By Emily Sheehan